Episode 14: Lenses

Nothing in your camera bag influences the look of your photos more than the lenses you use, yet we tend to treat the glass we put in front of our sensors as an afterthought. In this episode, Jeff and Mason give lenses the respect they deserve. They take sides in the battle between primes and zooms, they weigh in on third party lenses and wax poetic about the lenses they’ve loved. Mixed in throughout are Die Hard movie references, so be ready for that. It’s a fun episode about glass, so fill up one and settle in.


Mason and Jeff’s Current Collection of Lenses:

* It’s worth noting that we have purchased all of our equipment with our own money. There are no secret deals or nefarious arrangements with manufacturers here. That said, some of the links below are affiliate links which means we receive a small commission if you decide to purchase something, but it doesn’t impact what you pay.

Jeff Uses:

• Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8

Hanalei Pier, Hawaii with the Zeiss Touit 12mm lens.

Burney Falls, California with the Fuji 18-135mm lens.

Still Life, Washington State with the Fuji 27mm lens.

Macro with the Tamron 28-75mm macro lens.

Puppy Love with the Viltrox 56mm lens.

• Tair-35 300mm f/4.5 “Russian Sniper” Lens

Jeff’s Russian “FotoSnaiper” lens and its unusual mount.

Space Needle, Seattle with the Tair-35 300mm “Sniper” lens.

Avenue of the Giants, California with the Sony 14mm lens.

Mobius Arch, California with the Sony 24mm lens.

Bronco Shower, Washington State with the Sony 50mm lens.

Healing Hands, Oregon with the Zeiss Batis 85mm lens.

Pigeon Point Lighthouse, California with the Sony 100-400mm lens.

As with all of our episodes, we also record and produce video versions which we post to our YouTube channel. These are lightly-edited versions of the audio podcast, but the trade-off is you get to see our handsome faces while we opine. You’re welcome!


Episode 15: Damn Drones!


Episode 13: Camera Bags